Free Deep Learning Guide

Introduction to Deep Learning & Image Processing

How does classical industrial image processing differ from image processing that uses Deep Learning methods? Which tasks can be solved with it? Is it worth investing in the new technology? The introductory guide to Deep Learning answers these questions and shows when and how you can benefit from Deep Learning in Machine Vision.
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What to expect in this guide:

What exactly is Deep Learning?

The guide is the ideal introduction to Deep Learning in image processing in the automation industry.

What technology is behind it?

Learn more about Deep Learning (DL), Machine Learning (ML). About self-learning methods, neural networks and more.

What are the advantages of Deep Learning?

Does productivity increase? And the inspection quality? Can previously unsolved tasks be solved?

Deep Learning vs. classical image processing

Which method is better suited for what? Learn more with the help of specific application examples.

Good preparation pays off

What challenges can arise when introducing AI-based image processing? How can they be overcome?

Examples of Deep Learning Applications

Deep Learning is already being used today. Learn about examples from different industries.

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